
Labour Welfare Fund Rates

Employee contributionEmployer contributionTotalFrequencyDate of decutionLast date of SubmissionReturn
0.752.253Half-tearly30-Jun, 31-Dec15-Jul, 15-JanForm A
Employee coverage Applicability Period between which the employee count is considered
All employees employed for hire or reward to do any work, skilled orunskilled, manual, clerical, supervisory, or technical in an establishment, drawing wages more than ₹ 2,500 per month but does not include any person who is employed mainly in a managerial capacity Any Employer/Establishment employing five or more employees/persons Employee' shall mean an employee whose name finds mention in the register of an establishment on the last working day of the months- June and December

Applicable Headcounts for different Establishemnts

Category Headcount
Factory without power 20
Factory with power 10
tramway/motor omnibus service/motor transport undertaking 5
establishment 5